Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Three Things I Did This Summer

This summer I did many things, but based on the people I saw and things I did, I do have a top three. Camp, Cobble Hill, and the Marianas Trench/Faber Drive/The Latency/Armchair Cynics concert.
At camp all I have to do is show up and everyone makes me feel welcome.I also got to just hang out with people that i had never met before and my old friends and learn more about my self and others.
In Cobble Hill i got to go see one of my best friends Chelsea after about year, along with my other good friend Chelsea, I got to meet her new step Mom and new step sisters. I also got hand out and see where she lived and meet all of her new friends.
I don't think that i could make top three list for the summer and leave out the concert. That concert was probably one of the best nights of my life. I was with all of my good friends and we were on the floor in the front, and it was the most amazing thing ever.
Even though i was able to describe how much I enjoyed some of these events better than others they really are the top three things that I did this summer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


If i could have any superpower, it would be the power to be all-knowing. The power to be all-knowing would allow you to know peoples thoughts, actions, and what has happened and will happen. I might not want to know what is happening all the time, but i would have the power if i wanted. I could use this power to create or do anything that i wanted. Therefore being all-knowing would be the bestest superpower ever.