Monday, October 19, 2009

Review: Horton Hears A Who.

The movie, Horton Hears A Who is based on the old short film on a children's book by Dr. Seuss. It is able to capture the old memories from the books you used to read by Dr. Seuss. They have added more humor and more excitement to the story. Characters have developed more personality, there for creating a more entertaining film. Through out the movie, Horton must avoid Kangaroo and her workers while trying to get Who-Ville which is a speck on the clover to safety. The movie didn't become as popular as others it is still an overall well done film. Even though it is considered a children's movie, it is one of my few favorites.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Five Things in the House

If my house was to burn down and I could only grab 5 things, I would take my leopard gecko, two of my stuffed animals (my puppy and bear), wallet with passport and birth certificate stuff and my cell phone. My leopard gecko is small and couldn't possibly save it's self, while my dog would probably be the first thing out of the house. There is no possible way that puppy nor bear would make it out of the house or be replaced, so they must be taken. I like to travel and stuff and don't really want to go through the process of having to get all new things. Then finally with my cell phone, it would really just be something good to have. I don't know if I'll be happy with my choices of what I save from the fire, but it's good enough for now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Three Things I Did This Summer

This summer I did many things, but based on the people I saw and things I did, I do have a top three. Camp, Cobble Hill, and the Marianas Trench/Faber Drive/The Latency/Armchair Cynics concert.
At camp all I have to do is show up and everyone makes me feel welcome.I also got to just hang out with people that i had never met before and my old friends and learn more about my self and others.
In Cobble Hill i got to go see one of my best friends Chelsea after about year, along with my other good friend Chelsea, I got to meet her new step Mom and new step sisters. I also got hand out and see where she lived and meet all of her new friends.
I don't think that i could make top three list for the summer and leave out the concert. That concert was probably one of the best nights of my life. I was with all of my good friends and we were on the floor in the front, and it was the most amazing thing ever.
Even though i was able to describe how much I enjoyed some of these events better than others they really are the top three things that I did this summer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


If i could have any superpower, it would be the power to be all-knowing. The power to be all-knowing would allow you to know peoples thoughts, actions, and what has happened and will happen. I might not want to know what is happening all the time, but i would have the power if i wanted. I could use this power to create or do anything that i wanted. Therefore being all-knowing would be the bestest superpower ever.